Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Germany State of Hesse (or Hessen)

is Wiesbaden but its largest city is Frankfurt
Hesse is in west-central Germany and is border by only the German states of Bavaria, Baden Wurttemberg, Rhineland Palatinate, North Rhine Westphalia, Lower Saxony, and Thuringia.
Roughly 6 million
Size- 8,148 sq mi or roughly a little smaller that New Jersey
The earliest know inhabitants were the Chattie, who lived there during the 1st century A.D. Hesse was also a part of the Frankish kingdom

German Team 2 Questions

Life in Germany
1. When and where did German scientists recently discover a new species of ape?Answer: In Asia on Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2. What city is known as the salt capital of Germany? When did the salt production end?
Answer: Lüneburg, a German city in the state of Lower Saxony, is known as the salt capital of Germany. It was not until 1980 that the production of salt in the Lüneburg Saline finally closed.

3. What type of schooling is forbidden?
Answer: Homeschooling

German History
1. What was the difference in population in Germany from 1939 to 1946?
Answer: 4 million less people from 1939 to 1946

2. In the early and middle eleventh century the Saxon kings were able to defeat which Germanic tribes thus strengthening the Elbe Saale frontier?
Answer: The Magyars and the Slavs

3. What Germanic tribe held onto their tradition of worshiping heathen gods the longest?Answer: The Saxons

German Media
1. What date did the "television contract" (Fernsehvertrag) get signed?
Answer: March 27, 1953
Source: pg 91 of "The Mass Media of the German Speaking Country" by John Sandford

2. The Deutsche Welle first began broadcasting is what year?
Answer: 1953
Source: pg 39 of "The Mass Media of the German Speaking Country" by John Sandford

3. What German newsmagazine is on the rise while its predecessor is on the decline?
Answer: The Focus is on the rise while Der Spiegel is on the decline.

German States: Bavaria
1. Who are the three primary Germanic tribes to inhabit Bavaria in history?
Answer: Bavarians, Franks, and Nordgau

2. Pope Benedict was born in town of Marktl Bavaria. Where did he live his adolescence?
Answer: Traunstein

3. The Hofbrauhaus is a famous beer hall in Munich Bavaria. What family still owns and operates this historic site?
Answer: The Gerdas

German States: Schleswig-Holstein
1. Where was the chief base for the Third Reich's navy operations?
Answer: Kiel
Source: pg 259-260 of “Discover Germany” by Jack Altman

2. Schleswig-Holstein was part of Denmark until what year?
Answer: 1866
Source: pg 259-260 of “Discover Germany” by Jack Altman

3. What is the world famous annual rock fest that takes place in Schleswig-Holstein?
Answer: Wacken Open Air

Bastei Rocks In The Elbe Valley

Located in the Saxon Switzerland National Park are the Bastei Rocks. They are steep fissured sandstone rocks, canyon-like ravines, caves and rock needles constitute, possibly, the most spectacular national park in all of Germany. Formed over hundreds of years by the Elbe washing away the rock face. The cliffs face directly over across the river. The cliffs rise 194 meters above the waterfront.

The landmarks have been a tourist attraction for over 200 years. In 1824 a wooden bridge was built which spanned the rocks, later to be replaced by the current sandstone bridge in 1851. Other attractions in the area include; hiking and rock climbing are two of the biggerst activities associated with the Bastei Rocks.
Sandstone Bridge
Boat tours are also popular with tourists visiting the area. You can ride the Elbe river on one of the world's oldest paddle-streamers. The tour takes you from the rocks of Elbesandsteingebrige through the Elbe valley to the historic city of Dresden, which is about 40 km away.
Boat Tour Along The Elbe
There popular stones within the Bastei Rocks. Such as, the ascent through the 'needle eye' to the stone Pfaffenstein. Fortress Koenigstein could never be conquered by enemies, as it sits within the Bastei Rocks. It is one of the largest castle plants of Europe.
The "Needle-Eye"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Popular sights and activities in Luebeck, Germany

Hansestadt Luebeck
Different sights to see, historical buildings:

Who visit the city most often.

Hansestadt Luebeck is most recognized for its 15th century Holstentor gateway. Which presents a fairy tale appearance with its twin spires and lining forests. The gate was constructed during the years of 1464-1478, by Hinrich Helmstede and served as both Luebeck’s defense and a sign of the cities prestige. Inside of this historical monument is the Holstentor Museum, which contains the history of Luebeck’s hanseatic trade links as well as exhibits displaying ship models, suits of armor, weapons, legal instruments, and other articles from Luebeck’s past.
Encircled by the Trave River, Altstadt (Old town), in Luebeck, stands as a significant symbol of brick stone architecture from the Gothic period. It is a picturesque medieval town characterized by cultural sights, symbolizing the great past of Luebeck as free Hanseatic City. Luebeck contains more than 1000 historical buildings, though, the more familiar buildings within Altstadt include; the 13th century Rathaus (Town Hall), the convent “Burgkolster”, a particularly well preserved quarter of the late 13th century, Koberg, with St. Johns church and the Hospital of the Heiligen Geist (Holy Spirit).
Heiligen Geist is Germany’s oldest hospital, built in 1227. The building is known for its four striking octagonal spires and beautiful exterior. Today the building contains eateries and many unusual chambers, which were built to provide the sick with a level of privacy. During the Christmas holidays, Heiligen Geist Hospital hosts the popular Christmas Market. Heiligen Geist Hospital and other historic buildings of Luebeck’s Altstadt were added to the list of World Heritage in December of 1987.
Historical buildings and monuments can be found throughout Luebeck, Germany. The Drehbruecke Bridge is contained within Altstadt, but contrary to the surrounding buildings, it was built at the end of the 19th Century. The bridge links the main harbor areas and features a swing mechanism, allowing large ships access through the waterway. Another significant building in Luebeck is the Stadtbibliothek (city library), dating back to the mid-1920’s. Rich history can be found on nearly every corner of Luebeck’s streets.

Activities and Types of Recreation in Luebeck

Luebeck is dotted with many parks and bike paths giving locals and visitors numerous locations to bicycle, walk, hike, horseback ride, or just enjoy the scenery. These parks often will have football fields, tennis courts and basketball courts.Luebeck is also on the Trave River which offers many water sports and activities. In the summer months locals can go swimming, sailing, kayaking, and fishing in the many bays and ponds around Luebeck.
Luebeck is also near the Baltic Sea and its only a short drive where you can stroll along the beach, surf, or make a sand castle in the white baltic sand.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The 16 German States

Baden-Württemberg- The Neckar River river runs through the state, which is where you can find most of its major cities.
Bavaria- hold the city of Munich which has a population of 1,326,807 people
Berlin- holds the capital city of Berlin and has a population of 5 million
Brandenburg- completely circles the state of Berlin cutting it off from any other states.
Bremen- is the smallest of Germany’s 16 states with an area of 408 km2
Hamburg- Hamburg's official name is the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. It makes reference to Hamburg's history as a member of the medieval Hanseatic League
Hesse- The locals speak a dialect known as Hessisch
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern- Three of Germany's fourteen national parks are in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in addition to several hundred nature conservation areas.
Lower Saxony- Wheat, potatoes, rye, and oats as well as beef, pork and poultry are some of the state's present-day agricultural products.
North Rhine-Westphalia- is the most to the west over all the states and also has the largest population at 18 million
Rhineland-Palatinate- The largest river in the state is the Rhine, which forms the border with Baden-Württemberg and Hesse in the southeast
Saarland- It was the only state to join the Federal Republic of Germany between 1949 and the German reunification in 1990
Saxony- is the most eastern state bordering the czech republic and Poland
Saxony-Anhalt- main attraction is the Wörlitzer Park which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Schleswig-Holstein- lies on the base of Jutland Peninsula between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.
Thuringia- It is known as the Green Heart of Germany, due to the dense forest that covers the terrain

9/1/2010 Homework, World Heritage

Here is my one-page essay about the World Heritage Site
The Messel Pit is and old ababdon coal mine from the eighteen hundreds that has been the location for some of the world's best fossil finds. The Messel Pit is located in the middle part of Germany, South of Frankfurt and is named from the nearby village of Messel.

The fossils found in the Messel Pit are from the Eocene Epoch of the Paleogene Period about 47 million years ago. This site is special due to the extensive preservation of these ancient living structures as well as the quantity of the fossils being found. Some of the best finds are including fur, feathers, skin, and completely articulated skeletons of vertebrates. These are preserved so well because of the lakes that once dotted the area. The lakes were very equipped to halt or slow any process of decay caused by other species. This due to the lack of current at the bottom of these lakes which then made a low oxygen content for many species to breakdown the "fossil to be" Also at the time of the Eocene Epoch, it is believed that a volcanic region of Africa that was producing of volcanic gases is what killed the large number of animals found in the pit. Animals including birds, reptiles, horses, rodents, and primates. The unique preserved animals are some of the earliest mammals and that is what makes the Messel pit a magnet for paleontologist from all around the world.

The Messel Pit was declared a World Heritage site on December 9, 1995. At the time preventing plans of a landfill located on the geological treasure was the main goal of the scientist but now tourism to the site is brightening the future of the Messel Pit. Now that it is forever protected, it will bring insight into a lost topical landscape that is still yielding discoveries today.